Our Family Adventure To The Harlem Globetrotters Fan Powered World Tour

Our family adventure to the Harlem Globetrotters Fan Powered World TourOur family adventure to the Harlem Globetrotters Fan Powered World Tour took us to the XL Center in Hartford, CT. We arrived for the 7p show and waited in anticipation for the event to start. The Harlem Globetrotters are an exhibition basketball team that combines athleticism, theater, and comedy in their style of play. The team plays over 450 live events worldwide each year and we had the privilege to catch their 2019 Fan Powered World Tour here in Connecticut.

Our family adventure to the Harlem Globetrotters Fan Powered World TourIt was our very first family adventure to see the Harlem Globetrotters and the excitement in the whole center was very tangible and contagious. We started cheering when the team appeared and we could barely take their eyes off the court once the game started. New this year to take your experience to another fun level is the Globetrotters’ interactive mobile application that can be downloaded with exclusive features, including an augmented reality (AR) basketball toss game and custom photo filters.

Our family adventure to the Harlem Globetrotters Fan Powered World TourOur family adventure to the Harlem Globetrotters Fan Powered World Tour was definitely about non stop laughter and entertaining interaction. We couldn’t get over the basketball tricks, slam dunks and dance moves. It’s plain to see from the whole show that Harlem Globetrotters love and appreciate their fans, especially the children who go wild over their interaction with the players.

Our family adventure to the Harlem Globetrotters Fan Powered World TourThere were so many amazing highlights in our family adventure to Harlem Globetrotters Fan Powered World Tour like Hot Shot doing a crazy slam dunk or Wham dancing on top of the basketball net or Hi-Lite arguing with the referee or the opposing team or the fan powered instant replay. Our favorite highlight was when Hot Shot came to our seat and took Babygirl N to assist Swish in doing some fun ball tricks on the court during a time out. We were so excited for her and the huge smile on Babygirl N’s face when Swiss walked her back to her seat tells us we will forever hear about that incredible moment.

Our family adventure to the Harlem Globetrotters Fan Powered World TourOur family adventure to the Harlem Globetrotters Fan Powered World Tour captured the heart of The Harlem Globetrotters as a worldwide icon, synonymous with family entertainment and great basketball skills. The Harlem Globetrotters represent nine decades of breaking down barriers, acts of goodwill, a commitment to fans that goes beyond the game and for our WELLthy family a legacy that goes deeper than the basketball tricks or autographs.

Our family adventure to the Harlem Globetrotters Fan Powered World TourOur family adventure to the Harlem Globetrotters Fan Powered World Tour is one family experience we will never forget and words cannot do justice to our family experience that night. We created WELLthy MOMents to will last us for a lifetime and I still can’t believe the non stop laughter and smiles on the audience’s faces, young and old. The 2019 Fan Powered World Tour definitely turned our family into lifetime fans and we can’t wait to see the Harlem Globetrotters in their future world tours.

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