5 Ways To Move From Intention To Execution

5 Ways To Move From Intention To Execution5 Ways To Move From Intention To Execution as an entrepreneur and work at home mom is learning to prioritize my time to be productive with systems and habits to do something each day in order to turn my dreams into reality. The Cambridge dictionary defined Intention as “Something that you want or plan to do” and Execution as “the act of doing or performing something especially in a planned way.”

5 Ways To Move From Intention To Execution5 Ways To Move From Intention To Execution is learning in entrepreneurship that execution is what makes a difference between a dreamer and a doer. A lot of us moms have plenty of brilliant ideas/goals and unless we do something each day to move those ideas/goals from intention to execution, they will be just that: ideas/goals. May is upon us and for me it’s about being committed to our set goals so I am sharing 5 ways to move from Intention To Execution in the entrepreneurship journey:

  1. Set S.M.A.R.T. goals: make your goals specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.
  2. Create a plan of action.
  3. Set priorities and commit to them.
  4. Track your progress with S.W.O.T. Analysis: Strengths(What did you do well) Weaknesses(Where do you need to improve) Opportunities(What additional resources can help) Threats(What obstacles did you face and what can you do about them)
  5. Celebrate small wins and learn from failures.

5 Ways To Move From Intention To ExecutionI go through moments when I am frustrated because I feel like there is not enough time in the day to do what I need to do. I have been trying to skip steps in the 5 ways to move from Intention To Execution in the entrepreneurship journey then I realize how important it is to extend grace in the process. Building a family and a business takes time, commitment and patience. There’s really no substitute for a well executed plan and seeing plans move from intention to execution should be our current beast mode and mom boss mindset.

Wellthy Life NODte:“Do something each day that moves you from intention to execution because therein lies the difference between a dreamer and a doer!” -Nathalie O’Donald

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