5 WELLthy Ways To Connect With Your Child

5 WELLthy Ways To Connect With Your Child

5 WELLthy Ways To Connect With Your Child was the gift that keeps on giving during this past summer to spend uninterrupted quality time with my family and I am beyond grateful for the many opportunities to build WELLthy MOMents together. I decided during that time to slow down and enjoy moment by moment time with Hubby and my girls.

5 WELLthy Ways To Connect With Your Child5 WELLthy Ways To Connect With Your Child is your way to cure your family’s need to connect on a more meaningful way in the midst of the all the busyness when you feel like you have a million of other things to do like the sink full of dishes that is calling or the work load that has been waiting for you to get back to. Life is already overwhelming with its long to-do list and when you add children in the midst, it definitely takes being intentional in showing them that they matter.

5 WELLthy Ways To Connect With Your Child5 WELLthy Ways To Connect With Your Child are your way as a parent to speak their love language in a way that fits your family lifestyle. There is even a love language profile for your child that you can take to give you insight in connecting with your child on a more personal level. Having our girls in various age range makes for some creative ways to interact with each girl to helps us build a strong connection.

Our Hiking Adventures To Indian Well State TrailHere are 5 WELLthy Ways To Connect With Your Child to help you fight against the trend in a society that is becoming more and more disconnected:

  1. Pray with your child daily. Prayer offers an amazing opportunity for us to see God at work in the lives of our children. While we cannot hide our children away from the world, we can be proactive in praying for insight, revelation, wisdom, protection, peace, patience and grace. Our girls know that our family ends the night with all of us snuggled up and praying before kissing them goodnight. It’s been our night routine since we became first time parents and no matter where we are, it’s a constant our girls can always count on.
  2. Eat dinner together at least three times a week. It may sound obvious but scheduling conflicts, parents’ long work hours or commutes, highly competitive culture of never ending after-school activities all contribute to families being constantly on the go, thus feeling the need to eat on the run. However, shared family meal at the dinner table is the most reliable way for families to be all together in one place, connect and find out what’s going on with each other. Sharing a meal together and talk about the day is so good for the mind, body and soul in a day when digital distractions and a hurried lifestyle are rampant. Our family makes family breakfast and dinner a priority that has tied our family together since our girls were born. Family meals provide structure for the day, allowing our girls to feel more secure and loved, which encourages us to look forward to it every day.
  3. Read together. Readers are indeed leaders and why we embrace the love of reading in our home. We have been reading to the girls since they were in the womb and it’s a time we treasure as we snuggle up in a special corner with a book that we read individually or we read together. Reading time offers opportunities to talk and ask questions. Once a week we love going to our local library or a bookstore to create reading memories and it has made our reading experience together memorable.
  4. Have fun together. Hubby and I realize that having fun together definitely helps strengthen our connection with our girls. There are so many simple ways to have fun together inside and outside and be engaged with your child. Our family loves time outside and you’ll see us taking a walk or running on the trail or the track. Other fun ways that encourage us to give our girls full attention can consist of puzzle time, board game, creating, coloring, building, dancing, playing instruments, floor play, cooking, baking, sudoku, crossword, singing, playground fun, and the list goes on. The important thing is to use that precious time to create WELLthy MOMents that matter.

National Geographic Kids Almanac 2019 and Explorer Academy The Nebula Secret5 WELLthy Ways To Connect With Your Child is our realization that it isn’t enough that we tell our children we love them. We need to put our love into action every day for them to feel loved. Hubby and I recommend during this time that you be engaged with your child.

5 WELLthy Ways To Connect With Your Child

5 WELLthy Ways To Connect With Your Child is to be fully present with your child and invest in quality time versus quantity time. This can be difficult if you’re also handling a demanding job and other responsibilities but children who feel that other things are more important to their parents often look elsewhere when they’re emotionally needy. Our children are a gift from heaven and investing in building them whole is our priority before the many demands of the world. I am a firm believer that WELLthy starts within and the importance of striking a balance so make yourself the priority and not an option before extending to your spouse and/or children then the outside world.

Track Friday with H4Fitness & Trumbull and Recreation5 WELLthy Ways To Connect With Your Child is understanding that time waits on no man so being intentional in creating WELLthy MOMents and building a strong connection with your child is worth the investment on a daily basis. I am thankful for my family and choose to connect with them any chance I get. There is a level of responsibility that comes with being wife and mom and each day that God blesses me with, I am simply thankful to be Hubby’s wife and my girls’ Maman!

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