Dear WELLthy Mom of the child with Recurring Febrile Seizures

Dear WELLthy Mom of the child with Recurring Febrile SeizuresDear WELLthy Mom of the child with recurring febrile seizures, I want you to know that you are not alone. I not only know what you are going through, I have experienced recurring febrile seizures with my two oldest and currently experiencing them with my toddler. Remember when the first febrile seizure happened and the panic you felt holding your unconscious child in your arms, I know it too well because Dear WELLthy Mom of the child with recurring febrile seizures, I am very familiar with the harsh reality of febrile seizures.

I remember the first time Babygirl experienced febrile seizure, school was delayed because it has snowed the day before but I needed to make a stop at BJ’s for some toiletries (that endless mom life) before I dropped off my two oldest to school. When we left Bj’s heading to school, my oldest one nervously told me that she thought that Babygirl was having a fever because she was a witness when our middle child experienced febrile seizure twice in one day and she has been on high alert about her siblings ever since.

I checked Babygirl’s temperature and it was 99 degrees at the time and we were 15 minutes away from school so I figured she would be alright. I asked the oldest two to keep her hydrated and talk to her on the ride to school. Then it happened as we reached the exit of the school. I pulled over quickly as I instructed the oldest two to call 911 and pray. I got Babygirl out of her car seat and as I was holding on to her doing my best to bring the fever down, my heart cried out to God because the pain of seeing my baby girl limb was too much.

Dear WELLthy Mom of the child with recurring febrile seizures, I was you following the ambulance at 8 am praying for God to intervene on behalf of my child while it was business as usual around me. Now wherever we are, when we hear the siren of an ambulance, a police car or fire truck, I ask my family to say:”God go with you,” because I understand too well that it’s a matter of life or death.

Dear WELLthy Mom of the child with recurring febrile seizures, I was you that Monday morning when the child started having fever and you monitored like a hawk because you did not want to take the chance for her to experience another febrile seizure. Motrin and Tylenol were flowing like milk and honey from the promised land because you did not want the fever to turn into a seizure.

Dear WELLthy Mom of the child with recurring febrile seizures, I know too well not being able to sleep because you monitor your child body temperature throughout the night. However you are human and the time you fall asleep is when it happened but thank God for His mercy because you somehow caught it at the onset of it and sprung into action.

Dear WELLthy Mom of the child with Recurring Febrile SeizuresDear WELLthy Mom of the child with recurring febrile seizures, you and I are quite the experts by now the Emergency room nurse tells us because we know what to do when febrile seizure happens but what she doesn’t know is that we’d rather not be expert in the harsh reality of febrile seizures.

We’d rather be able to go to BJ’s on a delayed school day and come home to watch Sesame Street and Daniel Tiger after dropping off the two oldest siblings instead of being in ER all morning. We’d rather fuss when our toddler comes in our bed at 2 am because she misses us instead of holding her little hands in the ambulance at 3 am.

Dear WELLthy Mom of the child with recurring febrile seizures, you are not alone and you deserve a very long hug because sometimes you feel alone in this harsh reality of febrile seizure. The uncertainty of when it happens scares you a great deal and they have the nerve to tell you that febrile seizure will go away when the child turns 5. What about before 5? What if it doesn’t go away after the child turns 5? Do they know how helpless we feel when we watch our child fight for their life?

Dear WELLthy Mom of the child with recurring febrile seizures, I have been frustrated and scared beyond imagination going to the ER or to see the pediatric neurologist or lying besides my baby for an EEG. It’s not the journey I have dreamed for my baby but I now realize that febrile seizures are way beyond me. I cannot forecast when, where or why so I decided to leave it alone and not lose the little sanity I have left.

Dear WELLthy Mom of the child with recurring febrile seizures, I decided to put my hope and trust in a being more powerful and able than me because at the end of the day, there is only so much you and I can do. I have been on this hard knock life road before and along the way I realized it was God who carried me and my baby through.

Dear WELLthy Mom of the child with recurring febrile seizures, I brand my blog a WELLthy Mom Lifestyle because it dawned on me over Christmas 2017 that when all is said and done, it is well! It is well because God is the footprint in the sand. He covers us and our children with His unconditional love and fills us with His peace that surpasses all understanding, turning the trials and sufferings into WELLthy MOMents.

Dear WELLthy Mom of the child with Recurring Febrile SeizuresDear WELLthy Mom of the child with recurring febrile seizures, I call those trials and testings in the motherhood journey WELLthy MOMents because true wealth is knowing that that it is well no matter what and that we have it ALL in the fullness of the person of Jesus who died for us so that when febrile seizure is trying to show its ugly head and we watch our children fight for their lives, He says:”NO! I already paid the price.”

Dear WELLthy Mom of the child with recurring febrile seizures, I chose to tuck that treasured promise that it is well in my heart and mind once and for all when Babygirl experienced another febrile seizure over Christmas vacation and gladly extends it to you so we can both let it go.

Dear WELLthy Mom of the child with recurring febrile seizures, I want you to know that you are not alone and your mission today, will you choose to accept it, is to extend grace and love to yourself. You are doing the best you can with what you know and that’s all your child needs. Life is really a series of thousands of tiny miracles and you have been called to mother one of those tiny miracles in the child that calls you “Mom”. Febrile seizure is not a life sentence but an opportunity to treasure every MOMent, in sickness and health, with our tiny miracles of children because God got them!

Dear WELLthy Mom of the child with recurring febrile seizures, we are in this WELLthy Mom Lifestyle journey together and when we hit a bump on the road, may it be febrile seizure or any other trial life throws at us, remember that IT IS WELL because whenever you find the strength to see beyond the moment, imagine me on my knees asking God to give you strength and carry both of you through. We are in this state of motherhood well-being journey together because God got us!

WELLthy Mom NODte:”She believed God could and He did!” -LadyNOD

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2 thoughts

  1. Hello:

    You have make me cry. Even when I really hope seizure didn’t exist at all, knowing their support always help. My kid seizure won’t go away at 5 since he is epileptic but I pray to Gos that never happen again. But if is meant to happen, that I can be with him to help him all the way.

    People sometime judge a parent for being over protective. But sometime they don’t realize the fear that are inside us and how for our kids and ourself we have to go by pretending everything is fine.

    Thank you


    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to encourage me and know that you are not alone. Let’s continue to do our best and let God do the rest because He cares for our children as much as we do. I pray that it never happens and that he continues to enjoy a epilepsy-free and healthy life!

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