How To Maximize Your Time During Quarantine

How To Maximize Your Time During QuarantineHow to maximize your time during quarantine is about revisiting the four faith-based pillars that stretch across nine key areas which make up a WELLthy lifestyle. WELLthy living consists of:

  1. FAMILY: Marriage, Motherhood/Parenting
  2. WELLNESS: Fitness and Healthy Food
  3. DEBT-FREE Living: Smart Money Habits and Thriving Job/Business
  4. WELLthy MOMents: Family Fun, Home Education and Travel

A few weeks ago, I decided to take a much needed break from blogging and social media to unplug and refocus. My life felt busy and hurried so I decided to hit “pause” for my business and for our family to get back to a slower pace. My mom has also been visiting us since December and I wanted to be intentional in cherishing our time with her.

How to maximize your time during quarantine is about reflecting on your current lifestyle and utilizing this new reality caused by the pandemic to revisit your new year goals and work toward them. I definitely feel for the healthcare and “essential” personnel who are currently on the frontline and pray for God’s protection over them and their families. I can’t thank our teachers enough for stepping to the challenge of distance learning and checking in with their students to make the transition smooth.

I love to be able to connect with my church family online and it gives me so much joy knowing that COVID-19 is not keeping us isolated. Every week when we see our waste management truck picking up our garbage, it is nothing short of a celebration. My girls have been able to connect with friends with Facetime or Zoom and it makes social distancing a bit more bearable.

How To Maximize Your Time During QuarantineIn a nutshell, I choose to be thankful in the midst of COVID-19, fear, not enough toilet paper and too much negative from news because I have learned to trust God in the good, the bad and the ugly. I want you to be encouraged and understand the importance of knowing how to maximize your time during quarantine.

Our life felt so hurried entering 2020 that when I pressed the “pause” button, I revisited all 4 faith-based pillars of WELLthy living to prioritize and refocus. We switched our life to more personal and family time with God. We realigned our priorities to reflect what matters and cultivate slow living. This positioned my family to transition easily into the current quarantine.

How to maximize your time during quarantine is looking at what you can do in your power to be productive and grow in these unprecedented times. I decided that in 2020 it was time to learn a new skill and sewing has been on my mind for quite some time. My mom is a seamstress by trade and she was even a director of a vocation school that taught young mothers the trade.

I enlisted her help because Youtube videos do not match hands-on learning and experience. I am enjoying the journey of sewing and looking forward to learning and growing. I am challenging myself to join Joann Fabrics to support our medical personnel by making face masks. I tell my girls to be balanced with their time and practice what I preach. I have been devouring books that have been collecting dust on the shelves. I am happily checking off some of my new year goals and encourage you to do the same so that you can come out of this quarantine better.

We are two weeks into this new normal and the pandemic has us all homeschooling, spending time with family, praying and slowing down. It sounds to me like the virus is not punishing us but is helping us to cultivate a WELLthy family style with choices to make us win together mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially in whole well-being instead of high consumption or hurried lifestyle. This isn’t a pandemic, a plague or a punishment but an awakening to a WELLthier lifestyle and God knows we needed it as a nation.

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