Teaching Your Children How To Make HEART Choices

Teaching Your Children How To Make HEART Choices

Teaching your children how to make HEART choices is every parent’s heart to train their children to make wise decision in the face of pressure. After Covid life has taught Hubby and I the need to teach our girls to manage stress and responsibility better. Both Hubby and I became distance learning teachers during the pandemic in addition to working from home so listing our girls’ help and giving them a sense of control when it came to follow through with assignments and online classes has been key to a smooth home environment.

According to many studies, American students are grappling with an epidemic of anxiety. Most teens report a sense that they don’t control their own destinies, and depression in adolescents has risen 37% since 2005. Science shows us that not feeling a sense of control over your life or decisions is one of the most stressful experiences for the brain. Teaching your children how to make HEART choices isn’t easy but necessary to develop them into responsible adults.

Help your children to know who they are so that they do not compromise their character in the face of pressure.

Expose your children to the real world by shifting responsibility that are developmentally appropriate.

Ask your children questions to help them make informed decisions, what to consider, what’s important and what factors come in play when making decisions.

Refrain from shielding your children from potential pitfalls and give them room to make mistakes. Praise when they make wise decisions.

Teach your children by example and model by involving them in some of your own decision making process.

Teaching Your Children How To Make HEART ChoicesTeaching Your Children How To Make HEART Choices is an effective system that provides the clarity, focus and motivation you need to gradually launch responsible and confident adults into the world. It can also improve your ability to reach them when the getting gets tough by encouraging you to stay the course. HEART choices are only tools to help you in your parenting journey and putting to application is what get you lasting results. The process takes time and requires patience. Remember to extend yourself and your children grace as you are making HEART choices and building responsible and confident children.

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