The WELLthy Mom Jump Rope Workout

The WELLthy Mom Jump Rope Workout

What piece of workout equipment sells for under $20, fits into a briefcase, can be used by the whole family, and improves cardiovascular fitness while toning muscle at the same time? The answer is a jump rope. The WELLthy Mom Jump Rope Workout is a great calorie-burner. You’d have to run an eight-minute mile to work off more calories than you’d burn jumping rope. According to Science Daily, 10 minutes of skipping rope is about equivalent to running an 8-minute-mile.

There are tons of ways to use this simple piece of equipment to get a full-body workout. The first trick to try is the crossover, done by jumping rope as usual and then crossing your arms in front of you while the rope is in the air. Adding the crossover will challenge your jumping ability and shift the rope-turning work from your biceps to your shoulders and forearms. Alternate regular jumps with crossovers at first and then try keeping your arms crossed.

You can also try the boxer jump by keeping your weight in your heels and jumping one foot out in front of you at a time. Start slowly by hopping each foot out like an exaggerated skip. Once you’ve got the motion down, just do little heel taps as fast as you can twirl the rope.

While twirling the rope, hop back and forth over the line. This adds an element of difficulty that will help get your heart rate up and make you jump a little higher. Alternate this move with the ski jumps to work all four directions of movement to really challenge your agility.

Anyone who can jump rope and do jumping jacks can do this move. Twirling the rope as you normally would, jump your feet in and out like a jumping jack . Don’t move your arms in a jumping jack motion, just your legs.

Single leg hop – You’ll really feel the burn in your calf if you jump on one leg for 30 seconds (and then the other). Work up to a full minute on each leg for serious muscle sculpting.

Squat Jump Rope – Starting in a deep squat, twirl the rope and jump over it, maintaining your squat position to really strengthen your quads and glutes. Don’t straighten your legs between reps, stay in the squat as long as you can.

Jumping lunges, a tried-and-true plyometric exercise that works your butt and quads, goes to a whole new level when you do it while spinning a jump rope. The fear of hitting the rope keeps your jumps high and prevents resting on the landing. Jump slowly at first. Once you have a good rhythm down, try adding the rope to the mix.

Double Under – Nothing you do with a jump rope gets your heart rate up faster than the double under so it’s a great trick to learn. Start by jumping rope normally and when you’re ready, jump as high as you can while spinning the rope twice so that it passes under your feet two times before you land. If you miss you’ll snap yourself across the legs so don’t worry, you’ll catch on quick. This one is really about how fast you can spin the rope, not how high you jump.

The WELLthy Mom Jump Rope WorkoutJumping rope is one of the best total-body workouts you can find, as it uses virtually all the major muscle groups in your body. Jumping rope for just a short duration helps build your muscles and burn fat. The best indicator that jumping rope works your abs is the burn you feel after skipping for a few minutes. Jump ropes are extremely portable, which makes them an excellent option when traveling.  If you pack a jump rope in your suitcase, even the most sparsely outfitted hotel fitness facility can provide you with the space for a sweat-filled jump-rope session.

The WELLthy Mom Jump Rope WorkoutIf you are thinking about making jumping rope a component of your personal workout program it’s a good idea to invest in a good, durable jump rope. Purchasing a jump rope is not a significant investment, but you should spend a little to invest in a rope that is easy to adjust and that uses ball bearings to connect the rope and the handle. Ropes with bearings tend to last a little longer than ropes that simply have the end knotted in the handle.

The WELLthy Mom Jump Rope WorkoutI think I worked muscles that rarely get used. After jumping rope, I was sore in many muscle group, especially in the calf muscles and abs. In fact, if you are really trying to get ripped abs, jumping rope will help big-time. Your core really gets worked hard since your abs have to contract to stabilize your entire body as it propels through the air.

The WELLthy Mom Jump Rope WorkoutThe gorgeous Fall weather we had lately has motivated me to head out, set my timer and enjoy some fresh air while jumping rope. My girls are catching up and follow me outside once they see me pick up the jump rope. The WELLthy Mom Jump Rope Workout is becoming my favorite total body workout in addition to other WELLthy Mom workouts I can easily do at home.

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