Fun Family Summer Fitness Ideas

Fun Family Summer Fitness IdeasFun Family Summer Fitness Ideas are everyday family activities that can help you to get moving together as a family, especially during the current pandemic. A fit lifestyle is not cancelled in any season of the year. It’s important to get creative and intentional to stay active now that most summer camps have been cancelled. Summer has been unfolding nicely here in Connecticut and we are soaking into all that summer offers.

My family and I enjoy outdoors activities together and we do not let the heat stop us.  Here are some fun family Summer fitness ideas to inspire you to stay fit together.

Hit the trail or park

That’s one of our family’s favorite thing to do. We have been exploring hiking trail in our area and it makes our workout so much more adventurous.  Having our youngest daughter in tow, we explore trails that are less than 3 miles. We reward ourselves by taking a break with snacks and enjoy the gorgeous New England Summer.

Splish and Splash into the pool or the sea

There is no time better than the summer to go out for a swim! Swimming is a fun and total body workout in which you can be able to burn 450 calories an hour. Motor skills like Kicking and Jumping are developed in a home pool, the beach or watering the grass.

Make Time To Play

During the hot sunny days there’s nothing better than exploring new fun activities together. Water Balloon Fights are a fun option to get everyone running, jumping, and throwing for joy. You can enjoy a fun game of miniature golf or flying a kite. The possibilities are endless and the rewards are fun memories created together.

Work Together In The Yard

Yard work is a total body workout that is not getting enough praise. As you mow the lawn, enlist the help of your children to pull out weed or enjoy a fun nature scavenger hunt in the yard. Plant a garden together and have your children be responsible for one section of the lot. It’s amazing what happens when children are empowered.

Our Family Adventures To Wilkes-Barre PAHubby and I are firm believers that a family that works out together, stays fit together and we do our best to be creative in the Summer time in order to stay on course on our fit life journey. There is no better place I’d rather be than enjoy the outdoors with my family. There is something so relaxing and peaceful about being outdoors that we encourage our family to get at least 30 minutes outdoor activities every day, weather permitting.

Summer is the perfect time of year where there is blue skies, warm weather and lots of sunshine. With many kids out on summer break from school, the summer months offer unlimited opportunities for families to get moving.  You can witness the magic of sunny Summer being unveiled every chance you go out and that is a family win!

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