Marriage Night with RightNow Media

Marriage Night with RightNow MediaHubby and I decided to invest in our marriage by attending Marriage Night with RightNow Media. The event encourages thousands of couples in churches around the country for a one-night livestream experience to laugh and learn from marriage experts and discover how to honor God in their marriage.

Marriage Night with RightNow Media was launched as one way for couples to dedicate time to focus on what God has for their marriage. It’s a one-night event packed with laughter and lessons you can apply immediately to your own marriage. RightNow media started when Brian Mosley prayed to God to use him after spending the summer of 1998 filming a documentary about a missionary team living in a remote part of Africa in the country of Tanzania for the sake of the Gospel.

As he searched for ministry opportunities to impact the world with the gospel, his understanding of ministry would expand over the years to include activities that were not part of “full-time ministry”, but God used this experience to help lay the foundation for starting RightNow Ministries in 2000.

At first RightNow’s main priority was to connect young adults to full time ministry opportunities in America and especially overseas. Over time we began to realize the potential in strategically working with churches and church leaders to help them mobilize the people of their church to live out their faith. RightNow Media is challenging the church to be bold with the team committed to serving the church so that millions of people can be unleashed on mission for Christ.

Marriage Night with RightNow MediaOne of the pastors at our church emailed us about Marriage Night with RightNow Media and we found out that Hope Church in Wilton, CT was a church host site. We registered without hesitation because investing in our marriage is a priority. Hubby and I were so excited to spend the evening sans kids and with other couples.

When we arrived at Marriage Night with RightNow Media, we met the senior pastor of Hope Church and his wife and they were so welcoming. The room where the event took place was beautifully decorated and we had the pleasure of meeting many couples. The event kicked off with a delicious dinner and comedian Michael Jr had us laugh histerically about various topics from being Christian to being a parent.

We heard from two great couples, Francis and Lisa Chan and Les and Leslie Parrot. Francis and Lisa Chan shared their heart about having a common mission for God in marriage while Les and Leslie Parrot equipped us with tools to fight effectively. Hubby and I left Marriage Night with RightNow Media knowing that God knew exactly what we needed and thankful for everyone involved for making it happen.

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