Mother’s Day reflection 2020 is my heart as a mom as I do not consider myself to have taken hold of not being angry and sad in light of shameful incidents like what happened to #AhmaudArbery but I choose to continue to train my children in faith not fear, refusing to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt or there are insufficient or no funds in the American vaults of opportunity for our mocha children.
One thing I do is forgetting what the enemy throws at me and straining toward what is ahead in God’s will for me. In spite of all the trials and tribulations, I press on toward the goal of a faith legacy for my mocha children to win the faith prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Mother’s Day reflection 2020 is my choice as a mocha mom to live up to what we have attained as a nation. So still I rise each day to mom up and be accounted for because as an American citizen, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the UNITED States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
What is more, as a Christian, I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag and to the Saviour for whose kingdom it stands: one brotherhood, uniting all mankind in service and in love. Mocha moms everywhere continue to show up time and time again no matter what we go through because we have a dream.
So on this Mother’s Day, my heart goes out to Ahmaud’s mom, Mrs Cooper-Jones and all my mocha moms, praying we know that we are in this battle together. The enemy wants us to focus on the fact that we are losing ground and too many of our mocha children but God wants us to bring our hurts, anger and tears to Him, encouraging us to regain ground by going high when they go low through faith in Christ and in a righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith, hope and love and not fear, hopelessness and hate.