Self-Care Tips For Moms During The Quarantine

self-care tips for moms during the quarantineSelf-care tips for moms during the quarantine is about understanding that the pandemic may have caused a whirlwind of anxious thoughts that translate into tantrums or paralyze us in fear. The quarantine may have stirred an earthquake of agitation that comes from our need for human interaction because to social butterflies everywhere, social distancing may as well mean « death sentence ». The stay at home order may consume us in the fire of over commitment and busyness of juggling work at home, distance learning, house projects, cafeteria duty, Zoom meetings and grocery runs.

In light of what’s recommended when we go in public places, I would like to encourage us moms to not only put on our face mask but also put on our « oxygen mask » during quarantine because if we are not taking care of ourselves, no one else will be properly taken care of.

Motherhood doesn’t mean martyrdom so let’s make time for self-care and be The Priority not an option. Yes we have to be more creative to implement self-care tips for moms during the quarantine with social distancing and stay at home order but we just need start where we are, use what we have and do what we can.
Instilling Authentic Christianity In Our ChildrenSelf-care tips for moms during the quarantine are how I choose to add fuel to my me-tank. I hold sacred my Bible time, especially in the early morning or late at night when it’s just me and God. I am now making time to read all the books I had purchased and have been collecting dust. I look forward to my daily walk/jog or the lovely drives I take with the sole intention to be alone and enjoy the scenic roads. I have been listening to podcasts and investing in me, myself and I.
Find what fuels your soul and do it for you because just like you can’t use the phone you are using now unless you charge it, you must be intentional to recharge yourself on a regular basis because you are worth it. Sending my love to you as you implement self-care tips for moms during the quarantine and praying for God’s love and peace to reign in your heart and home through it all because we are in this together.
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