My 3 Carpe Diem Mom Tips in Tough Times

My 3 Carpe Diem Mom Tips in Tough TimesWhen we, mothers, are not feeling our best mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually, it can be tough because our children still need us. It’s even tougher when all we want to do is to press the pause button and go in time out so I am sharing my 3 Carpe Diem mom tips in tough times to infuse some Carpe Diem perspective in the moment when mom life gets tough.

My 3 Carpe Diem Mom Tips in Tough TimesIn what feels like day 6789012345 of school already, the role of loving on my children and others took a toll on me yesterday and I needed a break. I shared with Hubby and my girls that I was not feeling my best and of course, they all rallied around me to show me love. After a meeting that day, I went for a nice long run. Nature is like therapy for me so I stopped by our trail that turned into a prayer and much needed time with God.

My 3 Carpe Diem Mom Tips in Tough TimesCarpe Diem to me means more than seizing the day or the moment but also extending that attitude of caring for myself so that I can better care of my family.  It feels so empowering to give yourself permission as a mom to be vulnerable and let your children see that you are human. You are not being weak but you are showing them by example but it looks like to get back up when life knocks you down.

The following are my 3 Carpe Diem mom tips in tough times to help me shift to Carpe Diem mode when mom life gets tough.

Carpe Diem for my mom life involves time with God.  Time with God looks different depending on what I need at that moment. When I am intentional to spend time with God, it helps strengthen my spirit and renew my mind, especially when I am at a low.  It makes a huge difference in shifting my perspective from momming in my own strength to putting God back in the driver’s seat where He belongs.

Carpe Diem for my mom life is to fight tiredness or sickness with resting.  As a work at home mom, it sounds impossible to rest but finding time or “going in time out”, especially for moms with little ones is necessary. I always remember the advice I was given when I was pregnant with my first child.  I was told to rest when newborn rested but most moms know that we used that time to bathe or eat or clean or cook… I heeded this advice when I had my second child and my first was a very active toddler. When I put them both down for their naps, down I went. To this day, my girls have a rest time. They may not take a nap but I have trained them to rest so all of us retreat to our rooms for some needed down time.

Carpe Diem for my mom life includes reaching out to my mom tribe.  My mom tribe consists of Hubby, my girls and my girlfriends. I am as strong as the people I surround myself with. Before reaching outside, I make sure to communicate to my family when I need help or alone time. It’s amazing what happens when you communicate your needs and your mom tribe comes through. I count myself truly blessed and it’s in those tough mommy times, I realize how it pays to invest in building a solid mom tribe.

My 3 Carpe Diem Mom Tips in Tough TimesSo today, remember that tough mommy times don’t last but tough mommies do. Mom life is much more than sleepless nights and tough days.  It’s a high calling with the sweetest perks of growing alongside our children through the good, the bad and the ugly.  No tough times can’t take away what and who we are building through it all! We can only do our best, one day at a time.  Here is to making the best of each day and infusing some Carpe Diem perspective in each MOMent!!

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WELLthy Mom NODte: “Motherhood is not about picture perfect but about celebrating the progress in the process!” -Nathalie O’Donald

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