The WELLthy Mom Guide To Start An A+ School Year

The WELLthy Mom Guide To Start An A+ School YearThe WELLthy Mom guide to start an A+ school year requires us parents to be intentional in sending off our children on the right note. It’s important as parents to help our children embrace the new school year as the fun learning adventure it is. We should lead by example by focusing on the positive when we talk to our children about the new school year. Remember that children feed off parent’s emotions so let’s make this new school adventure sound exciting.

Here are the WELLthy Mom guide to start an A+ school year:

  1. Ask questions and acknowledge your children’s feelings. Let your kids express their concerns. The uncertainty of so many external factors in play require that you as parents tread the new school year with your children’s concerns in mind. Ask open-ended questions and validate their emotions to let them know that they are seen and heard.
  2. Establish routines in advance. Children thrive on structure and healthy routines. Year. Establish routines at home a few weeks or days before school starts when it comes to eating, reading, bath time and bed time. According to the National Sleep Foundation, Preschool (3-5 years) require 10-13 hours (including naps) ; School-age (6-12 years) 9-12 hours and Teens (13-18 years) 8-10 hours. It’s amazing the difference that great habits and good night sleep make in a child’s life. Most teachers have a schedule in the classroom about the structure of the school day. Consider making a visual calendar at home to help your child set intentions for the new school year and focus on what they know.
  3. Visit the school. Most schools offer opportunities for new students or returning students to visit the school or meet the teacher before the first day of school. This is the opportunity to communicate to the teacher how they can assist in providing any support to your child in anticipation of the new school year.
  4. Talk to other parents. Ask if there is a way to meet other children for a playdate or meet other parents to talk to about any concern you may have. Each new experience builds community, confidence and independence.
  5. Make the first week special. Leave an encouraging note in your children’s snack or lunch box, take a picture on the first day of school or enjoy a favorite snack or meal together to celebrate.

Remember the WELLthy Mom guide to start an A+ school year is all about creating fun learning memories together and ensuring an A+ start to your child’s new school year! Take a listen to my segment on WTNH 8 about some of my tips to transition into the new school year and and all the best to all in this new adventure!

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