5 Amazing Benefits of Morning Workout

5 Amazing Benefits of Morning Workout5 amazing benefits of morning workout are my challenge to myself to start my day with the ultimate mood-booster. Did you know that as little as 20 minutes outdoors is a mood-booster? Whether you are a night owl like Hubby or an early bird like me, the absolute best time to work out is always the time that works for you because it’s best to be active than not.

5 Amazing Benefits of Morning WorkoutStarting your day with a morning workout, however, has some advantages that can’t be denied. Here are 5 amazing benefits of morning workout that might convert your body clock to an habitual rise and shine.

  1. You will have more energy throughout the day. Starting your day with exercise translates into you being more active overall. Morning exercises not only affect your mood positively but also your day. A study by the researchers at the University of Georgia found that regular, low-intensity exercises like a simple jog or even casual stroll can boost energy levels by 20 percent and decrease fatigue by 65 percent. Now that’s a morning motivation!
  2. You will reduce stress. Most of us have a to-do list as long as the Nile river. We stress about our to-do going to bed and wake up stressed thinking about it. Morning workouts are stress-busters and the best prescription to improve your mood. It does not matter if it’s indoor or outdoor, morning workout means you don’t have any distractions like phone calls or emails and can spend your time getting fit mentally and physically.
  3. You will enhance your metabolism and overall health. Your body burns more calories after a workout. Morning workout will most likely reduce the risk of diabetes, blood pressure and improve your metabolism. Metabolism is the process by which our bodies convert what we eat and drink to energy. Our bodies constantly depend on this process to keep functioning, even when we’re resting. When you exercise in the morning, the benefit of metabolism is sustained throughout the day. This means you continue to burn calories all day long.
  4. You will reach your fitness goals faster. Starting to workout first thing in the morning builds discipline and overcome procrastination for your fitness goals. A goal-oriented mindset starts in the morning and helps you stay the course of your commitment.
  5. You will get better sleep at night. Morning exercise not only improves the length of sleep you will enjoy, but also your quality of sleep by promoting deeper sleep cycles. If you toss and turn at night, morning exercises can help set you up for a restful sleep.

5 Amazing Benefits of Morning Workout5 Amazing Benefits of Morning Workout show us how critical is it to conquer our minds so that we reap the benefits of a fit lifestyle mentally, physically and spiritually. Starting your morning off with a workout gets it done and helps you on your way to conquer the day. The pandemic has added some pounds to many of us but also has taught us to be very mindful of our mental and physical health. There is no better way to optimize it than to build healthy habits first thing in the morning and most importantly remember in the words of Arthur Ashe to start where you are, use what you have and do what you can!

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