How My Entrepreneurship Journey Started vs How It Is Going

How My Entrepreneurship Journey Started vs How It Is GoingHow my entrepreneurship journey started vs How it is going is in response to the trend that was going on social media last year which prompted me to walk down memory lane as we embark in a new year. I always thought I was an accidental entrepreneur until I started talking to my mom whose visit with us was extended thanks to COVID. My mom is a single mother of six who chose to use her circumstances as a stepping stone to being better not bitter.

My childhood memories are about my mom missing in action but what I did not know was a woman who was doing all she can to provide for her family a better future. I grew up resenting my mom for not being around but as I became a mom of three, I can emphasize with my mom who had six children to raise by herself. The resentment turned into admiration and thanksgiving for a woman who never let herself be defined by her circumstances and got creative to produce various streams of income besides her paycheck.

I came to the United States to study pharmacy and fell in love with mathematics. I ended up with a Bachelor’s degree in Computational Science and Mathematics and worked as a programmer for one year until I applied for a job in banking. I fell in love with finance and started thinking of paths to get my MBA in finance. Life happened as in getting married and making the decision to be a homemaker when we started our family.

How my entrepreneurship journey started vs How it is going is about the shift that happened when I had my third daughter and decided that entrepreneurship was my way to financial freedom and maintain the flexible time I had with Hubby and my girls. Four years ago, I started the blog and took a break and last year I turned that hobby into a paid profession.

How My Entrepreneurship Journey Started vs How It Is GoingI leveled up my game on social media and blogging world where I was now able to put a rate to my work and time. I had the honor of working with companies like Whole Foods, Burt’s Bees and BJ’s. I started reading about others’ entrepreneurship journey and getting inspired. I made the conscious effort to invest the money from paid sponsored posts into me and my business. I attended Black Enterprise must-attend virtual Entrepreneurs Summit to help me gain all the resources I need to connect, thrive, and take my entrepreneurial journey to the next level.

I also had plans last year to attend for the first time #ForbesWomen Power Summit then COVID happened so I was beyond excited to read that the summit moved from NYC to the comfort of my home computer! Thank you to Moira Forbes and the powerful lineup of innovative and visionary voices to remind me to #TakeTheLead as a solver, a pioneer, an activist, a builder, and an original.
I am ready for the call to use my voice to empower others, starting at home with my 3 girls who were excited to hear Misty Copeland and Simone Biles speak at the Forbes Women Power Summit. I am still over the moon being mentored virtually by all those amazing women leaders, especially Mellody Hobson who helped me understand that being the first and sometimes the only is an asset and not a liability!
How my entrepreneurship journey started vs How it is going is my hope to continue to grow into the business woman I am called to be by using all the resources at my disposition to thrive. This year offers a lot of us a clean canvas to start with and I am determined to make it count personally, at home, in my business and in my ministry. Here’s to a winning year making boss moves and being relentless about turning our dreams into realities!
WELLThy Life NODte:”Faith works when you do the work!” -Nathalie O’Donald
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