The Day That Changed Sandy Hook Elementary And My Mom Life

The Day That Changed Sandy Hook Elementary And My Mom LifeThe day that changed Sandy Hook Elementary and my mom life was December 14, 2012 because on that tragic day, 20 children and 6 adults were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT.  December 14, 2012, my oldest was 5 years old and in Kindergarten. My middle one was 2 years old and home with me. My youngest was not even a thought as we were sure that we were done after two children. We were living in Connecticut but had hope and plans to move back to Florida.

The Day That Changed Sandy Hook Elementary And My Mom LifeThe day that changed Sandy Hook Elementary and my mom life was the moment I received the life changing text from my oldest daughter’s school about the school being in lock down. When I was able to pick up my oldest daughter later that day, I held her so tight and our family spent a quiet evening snuggling while Hubby and I reflected on what will change December 14 forever.

The Day That Changed Sandy Hook Elementary And My Mom LifeThe day that changed Sandy Hook Elementary and my mom life is me still trying to imagine the pain of those parents who lost their children in the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy. There are absolutely no words that can express the pain of losing a child and my heart goes out to each and everyone of the parents.

The Day That Changed Sandy Hook Elementary And My Mom LifeMy oldest daughter asked me a few days later why President Obama was visiting Sandy Hook Elementary and I forgot for a moment that she could read at such a young age, even though I had the television on mute. That night, Hubby and I shared as best as we could that President Obama was visiting Sandy Hook Elementary because many children and adults got hurt really bad.  In her child-like faith, she asked us to pray for God to make them feel better.

The Day That Changed Sandy Hook Elementary And My Mom LifeThe day that changed Sandy Hook Elementary and my mom life is the day that taught me to be intentional in my motherhood journey and not to take for granted the fact that I get to see my girls come home from school every day. This year marks eight years or 2920 days that 26 families have to live without their loved ones or see their babies navigate middle school like I am blessed to see mine.

The Day That Changed Sandy Hook Elementary And My Mom LifeDecember 14 totally changed for me from an ordinary day in December to a day that serves as a reminder to connect with our children and make each day count ensuring that they know how much we love them, how significant they are and to encourage them to hold on to hope in the midst of circumstances that seem bleak. Our children need to feel loved by us being present and fully engaged. Our children need to feel significant so that when others trivialize their existence, it doesn’t shake their world. Our children need to be encouraged to find hope not in things or men but in the God who created them.

The Day That Changed Sandy Hook Elementary And My Mom LifeToday is not just another December 14. Today is remembering Sandy Hook and how it totally changed Newtown and my mom life. Today is a December 14 filled with opportunities to reflect on our parenting journey and lift up in prayer parents who lost their children eight years ago. Today is the day we choose to be part of the healing process and get involved with the Sandy Hook Promise because it will take all of us and it will have to start in our homes.

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